Best Nonfiction Book Recommendations

If you think nonfiction books are boring, think again. They’re not all books about wars or ancient history (though there are plenty of fascinating books on both of those topics, too). You can explore the world by living vicariously through the most talented travel writers. Or read about real-life spies who put James Bond to shame. You can even dive deep into the world of Old Hollywood gossip queens, or channel your inner animal lover and become an expert on birds. The options are literally endless—pick a topic that you’ve always wanted to know more about, and someone has surely written a book about it.

From deep dives on pivotal moments to sweeping world history to American history to the history of the last madam in New Orleans; from biographies of the world's most fascinating figures to poignant memoirs; from self-help to DIY to cookbooks and more, the vast world of nonfiction writing truly has something for everyone. So go ahead—save that novel for another day, and give a nonfiction book a chance.


Still on the Edge: Gloria Steinem Explores the Marge Piercy Classic

Gloria Steinem discusses the continued importance of Marge Piercy's sci-fi classic, Woman on the Edge of Time.

15 Cuba Travel Tips Every Tourist Needs to Know

Author Andrei Codrescu tells it like it is: Headed to the island? Pack aspirin and chocolate. And more.

Short Story: “Food of the Gods,” by Simon R. Green

The British sci-fi author shares a dark delicacy with a twist you won't see coming.

The Sacred Hoop: “Patriarchy is Neither Universal Nor Inevitable”

Paula Gunn Allen, a Native American activist, offers hope for the future in The Sacred Hoop, says Gloria Steinem.

Gloria Steinem on Patriarchy and Power in The Handmaid’s Tale

How Margaret Atwood's classic shows the significance of reproductive freedom.

Gloria Steinem on the Many Reasons to Read The Group

How Mary McCarthy's classic can be read as an indicator of change—or the lack of it.

Gloria Steinem Discusses Sex & World Peace

Valerie Hudson's critical book shows how violence against women is a proxy for nationwide violence.

Forever Relevant: Robin Morgan's The Demon Lover

Gloria Steinem discusses the lasting impact of Robin Morgan's political classic on terrorism.

“Monster” by Robin Morgan: The Anthem of the Women’s Movement

In 1972, this electrifying poem inspired women everywhere to take a stand in the fight for equality.

Business Adventures: Inside the Stock Market Crash of 1962

It was a dark day for everyone on Wall Street—even for the brokers who had lived through "Black Tuesday" in 1929.

Our 9 Favorite Episodes of the New Yorker Fiction Podcast

Every month, renowned authors pick a story from the magazine’s archives to read aloud and discuss—with hilarious results.

My True Romance Behind “Trail of Secrets” by Eileen Goudge

Eileen Goudge takes us behind her writing of Trail of Secrets!