Hannah Mumby
<p>Hannah Mumby is an assistant professor at the University of Hong Kong, where she leads the Applied Behavioural Ecology and Conservation Lab oratory, and a researcher at the Centre for African Ecology at the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa. She was a Fulbright Scholar for the Depart ment for Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Science at Colorado State University and a fellow at the Department of Zoology at Pembroke College, Uni versity of Cambridge. She has presented her research at the Houses of Parliament, and her work has been featured in the <em>Daily Mail</em> and on IFLScience as well as on <em>The Naked Scientists</em> podcast, among other science and nature outlets. She is the recipient of the 2020 ASAB Christopher Barnard Award for Out standing Contributions by a New Investigator.</p>