8 Works of Poetry About Love and Healing

Poetry connects us and proves that we are not alone in our suffering.

roses on poetry book about love and healing

Sometimes you need stories and novels to heal. But other times you crave the sharply spoken bond of shared experience—and that’s what poetry is about. There is power in a single image that strikes the soul, in knowing that someone else has shared the fear. These poetry collections are for the lost and found; for anyone who has ever needed inspiration for love and healing.

Related: 20 Best Love Poems of All Time 

Horses Make a Landscape Look More Beautiful

Horses Make a Landscape Look More Beautiful

By Alice Walker

love is not concerned

with whom you pray

or where you slept

the night you ran away

from home

love is concerned

that the beating of your heart

should kill no one.

Horses Make a Landscape Look More Beautiful
A Durable Fire

A Durable Fire

By May Sarton

Who wakes in a house alone

Wakes to moments of panic.

(Will the roof fall in?

Shall I died today?)

Who wakes in a house alone

Wakes to inertia sometimes,

To fits of weeping for no reason.

Solitude swells the inner space

Like a balloon.

We are wafted hither and thither

On the air currents.

How to land it?

A Durable Fire
Upstairs in the Garden

Upstairs in the Garden

By Robin Morgan

How shocked each lover is to hit the mark aimed for.

How they crawl toward one another between

bullets, how they weep and curse and call

each other liars, how they bleed their parts

according to the rules.

Upstairs in the Garden
And the Stars Were Shining

And the Stars Were Shining

By John Ashbery

How little we know,   

and when we know it!

It was prettily said that “No man

hath an abundance of cows on the plain, nor shards

in his cupboard.” Wait! I think I know who said that! It was . . .

Never mind, dears, the afternoon

will fold you up, along with preoccupations   

that now seem so important, until only a child   

running around on a unicycle occupies center stage.   

Then what will you make of walls? And I fear you   

will have to come up with something,

be it a terraced gambit above the sea

or gossip overheard in the marketplace.

For you see, it becomes you to be chastened:

for the old to envy the young,

and for youth to fear not getting older,

where the paths through the elms, the carnivals, begin.

And the Stars Were Shining
The Complete Poems

The Complete Poems

By Anne Sexton

of her arms, this was her sin:

where the wood berries bin

of forest was new and full,

she crept out by its tall

posts, those wooden legs,

and heard the sound of wild pigs

calling and did not wait nor care.

The leaves wept in her hair

as she sank to a pit of needles

and twisted out the ivyless

gate, where the wood berries bin

was full and a pig came in.

The Complete Poems
War Dances

War Dances

By Sherman Alexie

Whenever I’m asked

To trade seats

For somebody else’s love,

I do, I always do.

War Dances
Manifestation Wolverine

Manifestation Wolverine

By Ray Young Bear

no one can deny the strong force

the music we sing represents our struggle.

at first, it is a series and then it

culminates to one total.

from great distances, people arrive

and we are told to respect them

for they have retained the capacity

to cure anything.

Manifestation Wolverine
Becoming Light

Becoming Light

By Erica Jong

Give in.

Babies cry & music is your life.

Darling, you were born to bleed

or rock.

& the heart breaks

either way.

Becoming Light

Photo: Thought Catalog / Unsplash