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Early Bird Books Reading Recommendations

Here at Early Bird Books, we love all things that have to do with books, reading, and literary news and movies. Browse below for some highlights from our blog!


Angela Thirkell and Her 29 Adventures into Barsetshire

Writing so rich makes us wish we could live in Barsetshire too. 

Remembering Ellen Gilchrist, 1935-2024

The National Book Award Winner was known for her sharp writing.

The Best Book Club Books of Winter 2024

These picks are definitely “read by the fireplace” worthy. 

5 Books About Characters Navigating the Afterlife

“Just as when we come into the world, when we die we are afraid of the unknown. But the fear is something from within us that has nothing to do with reality. Dying is like being born, just a change.” —Isabel Allende

A Death Doula Faces Life in This Charming Novel

The taboo subject of death becomes a reason to celebrate.

Don't Miss This Year's Epic Historical Fiction Love Story

Fans of Cold Mountain will devour The End of Drum-Time.

11 Books by Pulitzer Prize Winning Author Alison Lurie 

“You can't write well with only the nice parts of your character, and only about nice things. And I don't want even to try anymore. I want to use everything, including hate and envy and lust and fear.” ―Alison Lurie

10 Literary Books That Examine the Human Condition 

“Plot is no more than footprints left in the snow after your characters have run by on their way to incredible destinations.” —Ray Bradbury

9 Unforgettable Books by Tim O’Brien 

Learn about this Vietnam War veteran and award-winning American novelist's notable works. 

10 Darkly Comedic Books to Shock You

These black humor novels are perfect if you don't know whether you want to laugh or cry.

10 Books to Add to Your Modern Library

Fill your shelves (or ereader) with indispensable works.  

The 10 Best Books to Gift Book Lovers in 2023

Discover books the reader in your life would love to add to their library.

10 Modern and Classic Gothic Horror Novels to Get You in a Spooky Mood

With stories old and new, these gothic horror novels have the classic dark mood you love and the modern twists you can't resist.

All of Viet Thanh Nguyen's Books

“I never called myself a writer because it seemed so pretentious - a writer was what somebody else called you, a title bestowed.” -Viet Thanh Nguyen

10 Indigenous Authors You Should Read This Month

Celebrate Native American Heritage Month with a powerful read.

8 Books to Get You in the Spirit of Día de los Muertos

The Day of the Dead celebrates those who have left us.