Growing up in the past wasn't always easy—but it does make for interesting fiction.
Dive in to the trials and tribulations of fictional first kids.
When YA books are just a tad too young, turn to New Adult books.
Crawl back through the wardrobe and experience Narnia all over again.
Slip into a world of summer love and hilarious mishaps.
Revisiting the classic children's series by Gertrude C. Warner on its 75th anniversary.
Are you secretly (or not so secretly) a hoarder? Marie Kondo's method is here to help.
Were we too young to appreciate Alcott's classic novel?
A Wrinkle in Time created the space, especially for girls, to be interested in science fiction and fantasy.
Author Ray Bradbury anticipated the greatest dystopia of all—"Keeping Up with the Kardashians."