22 Books You've Read More Than Once

We asked, you answered! You just can't get enough of these books.


We're all about discovering books both old and new, but sometimes its necessary to revisit an old favorite. Multiple readings not only allow for a deeper understanding (and love!) of a particular story, but they can often feel like homecomings in times of stress or nostalgia. As Jennifer, one of our Facebook followers, very wisely noted: "Favorite books are safe havens, happy places, old friends; a comfortable retreat when your soul needs it."

Related: How to Find a Book From a Vague Description  

As it turns out, many of you have safe havens, happy places, and old friends in common: You'll never stop dreaming of Manderley, or having Stephen King-inspired nightmares. You're always ready to fight evil alongside J.K. Rowling's boy wizard, or navigate the Civil War-era with Scarlett O'Hara (even, says one of you, for the 107th time). Below, you'll find some of the other unforgettable books you've read once...twice...okay, probably more than three times. 

Thank you, as always, for sharing your answers with us!

The Good Earth

By Pearl S. Buck

"The Good Earth by Pearl Buck and Gone with the Wind. I read Pearl Buck when in the 6th grade and loved the story so much I re-read it many times over the years. I also read the sequels. I'm now 81 years old and still love this book." —Penny

"After reading the last sentence, I automatically turned back to the first page and read the whole book again because I just didn't want it to end...It was that good... —Kristy

Related: Pearl Buck's Historical Fiction Novels 

To Kill a Mockingbird

By Harper Lee

"As far as I can remember, it's the only one I read twice." —Melissa

"I read To Kill A Mockingbird almost every year. I love it for so many reasons. There is its southern charm, a family dynamic that is unusual for its time period perhaps, but so endearing. And, most importantly, this book reminds me to be a better person. To know that 'the one thing that doesn’t work by majority rule is a person’s conscience.'" —Audrianne 

Related: 25 Books Like To Kill a Mockingbird 

People of the Book

By Geraldine Brooks

"I so loved that book, it has stayed with my heart and mind. Cannot explain how it draws me back." —Donna

Little Women

By Louisa May Alcott

"I have read Little Women more than a dozen times in 60 years. I believe one reason the book appeals to me is that I am an only child who had only male cousins and yearned for the companionship of sisters. The loving relationships among the family members touched me and I loved the way Ms. Alcott had her characters achieve their hearts desires. I can never read this book too many times." —Annette

Related: 8 Books for Fans of Little Women 

The Great Gatsby

By F. Scott Fitzgerald

"Many! Many! My favorite book is The Great Gatsby. It showcases Fitzgerald's talent brilliantly, and every time I read it I discover something new. I love books that are disquieting, perhaps changing my perspective." —Lynn

"I agree!!! I am a teacher and kick off each summer break with a reading of The Great Gatsby." —Doris

Related: Why the Lost Generation Writers Still Resonate With Us 

Coming Home

By Rosamunde Pilcher

"She transports you into the story with characters who become your friends and settings you step into." —Beth

"I was lucky enough to have read all of Rosamunde Pilcher's books more than once, loved her descriptive writing." —Rosie

"I had forgotten the Rosamunde Pilcher books. I've re-read The Shell Seekers and September numerous times, as well as some of her other books." —Tracy

Catcher in the Rye

By J.D. Salinger

"Every time I read it I see it in a different light. Love it." —Drema

Related: Looking Back: Joyce Maynard on Her Career-Launching Essay and Relationship with J.D. Salinger 

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The Outsiders

By S.E. Hinton

"I read it on my own, then again when it was assigned in 9th grade English, and at least once more after that, all before the movie came out. I even wrote an English paper on S.E. Hinton which was difficult because there was very little about her at the time. Most information on her came from the book jackets, and back then there was no Google so all research involved card catalogs and books. I loved writing too and the fact that she wrote this book as a teen spoke to me." —Donna

Related: 8 Books We Wish We Read in High School 

Firefly Lane

By Kristin Hannah

"Two books come to mind...The Thorn Birds and my all time favorite book is Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah. Both are books of true love. One between a man and woman...the other a true friendship that spans years. Anyone who has ever had a best friend from childhood to adult life will be able to relate with the characters in Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah. It touched my heart in so many ways." —Carol

More on The Thorn Birds: "I guess I identified with Meg somehow." —Kris

Out of Africa

By Isak Dinesen

I've read all of Pascal Mercier's books several times, Perlmann's Silence being a favorite. I've also pull Virginia Woolf's and Alice Walker's books back down from the shelf more than once. But, my copy of Out of Africa is the most worn book I've got. —Christina

Related: 10 Famous Memoirs Everyone Should Read Once 

Change of Heart

By Jodi Picoult

"I find a new meaning every time that is relevant to my life at the time I am reading it. The first time through Jodi Picoult came through my city on the book tour for Change of Heart so I was lucky of enough to meet her and she of course signed my copy." —Cheryl

"I look forward to each new Jodi Picoult book, I hate when I come to the end of one." —Keith

A Confederacy of Dunces

By John Kennedy Toole

"Laugh out loud funny. Perhaps the funniest book I’ve ever read." —Jeannie

"If I had one book to bring on a desert island, it would be Confederacy." —Dennis

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

By J.K. Rowling

"I must have read the Harry Potter series at least five times. It feels like I grew up with these characters." —Jessica


By Judith McNaught

"Fell in love with the characters when I was a teenager. Have read it about every two years for the past 18 years!" —Christina

The Eye of the World

By Robert Jordan

"I’ve read the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan at least once a year since 1999 when I picked up the first one in the school library. Twice a year if a new book came out. RIP Mr. Jordan...[Eye of the World] is my go to book when I’m feeling bad or need an escape." —Megan

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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

By Betty Smith

"Do you know that's my #1 favorite book of all time! I know that book by heart. I'll read it almost every year. I have a really old copy of it...I read it first in the seventh grade." —Loreny

"I'm also on my second copy of A Tree. And Joy in the Morning is a lovely story. But about once a year I start thinking of pickles and peppermint chips and I have to read my old fave again." —Jen

Related: The Most Popular Books from the Decade You Were Born 

Pride and Prejudice

By Jane Austen

"Pride and Prejudice read it once a year my favorite." —Sandi

"All Jane Austen—the first reading for the plot, the second for her subtle humor and social commentary." —Linda

Related: Jane Austen's 12 Most Delightful Insults 


By Diana Gabaldon

"Outlander Series - 5 times. 😊" —Teresa

"I recently finished Book 8 and I'm going through Jamie & Claire withdrawal. I miss them like I would miss old friends." —Barb

"I'm in the process of reading the far-reaching Outlander series too. Am currently on A Breath Of Snow And Ashes." —Pam 

Wuthering Heights

By Emily Brontë

"I know I've read this book over ten times, and I named my daughter Katherine." —Susan

The Hobbit

By J.R.R. Tolkien

"The Hobbit. Many times. And have listened many times to the BBC dramatic reading. ❤️" —Fran

RELATED: 10 Engrossing Fantasy Books Like Lord of the Rings 

In Cold Blood

By Truman Capote

"In Cold Blood 6X. The book just fascinates me. —Dale

Related: Secrets and Lies: 7 True Crime Books About Cases with Shocking Twists 

The Virginian

By Owen Wister

"Body & Soul by Frank Conroy. As a music lover I liked it and it is well written. Also the original western, Owen Wister's The Virginian, I read when I was about 15 years old and now 62 years and many times later I always find something new about it." —Joseph

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Featured still of "Out of Africa" (1985), via Universal Pictures