Early Bird Books Reading Recommendations

Here at Early Bird Books, we love all things that have to do with books, reading, and literary news and movies. Browse below for some highlights from our blog!


Lord of the Rings is Coming to the Small Screen

Amazon's upcoming fantasy epic will feature brand new stories set before "The Fellowship of the Ring."

Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man is Headed to Hulu

The modern classic follows "The Handmaid's Tale" as the streaming network's next socially-resonant adaptation.

First Trailer for Annihilation Promises to Blow Our Minds

The adaptation of Jeff Vandermeer's sci-fi horror novel looks just as chilling and thought-provoking as its source material.

Still Winning at 50!: Longevity in Literature and Film

These books and their film adaptations still captivate audiences today.

5 Back to School Feel Good Reads for the Entire Family

Powerful, moving, and empathetic—these are the kinds of stories that your family will love and learn from.