
Bringing readers new book recommendations from our great partners.

Read an Excerpt from Missy's Twitch

Take a peek at the fourth book in the Fossil Feuds series.

An Interview with Rachel Hauck, Bestselling Christian Author

“There are many truths that are universal, like the power of forgiveness, which a story can bring to life and touch the heart of the reader.”

7 Books by Master Storyteller John Jakes

The New York Times bestselling author was behind some of the most beloved family sagas, in addition to sword and sorcery tales.

50 Psychological Thriller Books That Mess with Your Head

In these twisted thrillers, there's no escaping your own mind.

8 Spine-Tingling Thrillers From CJ Lyons

These books will have you on the edge of your seat.

8 Powerful Military Memoirs 

Read first-hand experiences of war.