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Early Bird Books Reading Recommendations

Here at Early Bird Books, we love all things that have to do with books, reading, and literary news and movies. Browse below for some highlights from our blog!


Remembering Elizabeth Nunez, 1944-2024

“We are part of the human race, the human family, and have a right to the human cultural heritage wherever that heritage is located.” —Elizabeth Nunez

Remembering Dan Wakefield, 1932-2024

Prolific, acclaimed, and multi-faceted: three commonly-used descriptors of Dan Wakefield that any writer would sell their soul to be described as. 

Remembering Author & Activist Russ Kick, 1969-2021

“He showed that anybody in this country could get public records out of the government, even when the government didn’t want to give them out.”

Remembering Barry Lopez, National Book Award Winner, 1945-2020

“Everything is held together with stories. That is all that is holding us together, stories and compassion.”―Barry Lopez