Book Recommendations

If you’re always looking for your next read, you’ve come to the right place. From new books to titles that deserve more recognition, we have book recommendations for everyone.

Remembering Louie Anderson, 1953-2022

Read an excerpt from a book by the beloved stand-up comedian.

E.R. Braithwaite Wrangles Unruly High School Students in To Sir, With Love

By treating his students as equals, a schoolteacher creates a unique bond with his class.

Joan Didion: Her Books, Life, and Legacy

A woman with a love for the written word, and a dedication to the truth.

32 New YA Books to Read in 2022

These are the reads we're most looking forward to.

The Best Cookbooks for Your Holiday Table

Make this holiday meal one to remember.

10 History Books to Gift This Holiday Season

From the Ottoman Empire to the 20th century.