Explore Early Bird Books' best book recommendations.


The Only Family More Notorious than the Lannisters

In City of God, Cecelia Holland explores the dark and powerful world of Italy's original crime family: The Borgias.

Jane Austen’s 12 Most Delightful Insults

We love your sass, Jane. Don't ever change!

The Re-Read: The Girl’s Guide to Hunting and Fishing

Revisiting these favorite stories helps a writer to realize her own coming-of-age story might be embarrassing, but kind of awesome, too.

Holiday Challenge: 31 Days of YA Books

It's time to put your passion to the test.

Literary Pilgrimage: Virginia Woolf’s England

Take a tour of England through the life and work of Virginia Woolf.

In Defense: Elizabeth Gilbert

Gilbert haters cite Eat, Pray, Love as proof of her failings, and in the process neglect her fantastic, near-perfect novel.

Live Your Own Life: 10 Inspiring Facts About Margaret Mitchell

The Gone with the Wind author was a woman ahead of her time.

The Re-Read: J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye

Revisting this classic novel, one writer discovers the truth about Holden Caulfield, and herself.

5 Empowering, Witchy Reads

Inspirational books about women who won't let The Man get them down.

The Re-Read: Little House on the Prairie’s The Long Winter

A writer revisits a childhood favorite and finds it's not all butter churning and buggy rides.

All The Dead Literary Ladies (And Some Dudes, Too)

Jessa Crispin, in the midst of an existential crisis, follows the lives of exiled writers and artists.

National Book Awards Short-List Finalists Announced

Which books are your favorites to win on November 18?

Ted Hughes: An Introduction

Dr. Jeremy Noel-Tod on five must-read books by Ted Hughes.

10 Most Terrifying Ghost Stories and Paranormal Novels

Re-living these scary ghost stories gave us the creeps. Just kidding, it was awesome.

Top 20 Prequels of All Time

We forged through books, TV, and movies to bring you a list of the best prequels out there.

Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple: Feminist Icon

In "Miss Marple vs. The Mansplainers," Alice Bolin salutes Agatha Christie's feminist detective hero.

9 Essential Novels for the Modern Existentialist

Avoid your existential crisis by escaping in literature.

The Genius of Kate Atkinson

With Life After Life, the English writer takes the reincarnation story to new heights.