Let these words of wisdom from Pat Conroy, William Styron, Natalie Goldberg, and others inspire you to finish that book.
Author Sven Lindqvist takes readers on historical journey across the Sahara Desert and the African continent.
Gloria Steinem reflects on Dorothy Dinnerstein's feminist classic and gender equality in early societies.
Gloria Steinem discusses the continued importance of Marge Piercy's sci-fi classic, Woman on the Edge of Time.
Paula Gunn Allen, a Native American activist, offers hope for the future in The Sacred Hoop, says Gloria Steinem.
How Margaret Atwood's classic shows the significance of reproductive freedom.
How Mary McCarthy's classic can be read as an indicator of change—or the lack of it.
Valerie Hudson's critical book shows how violence against women is a proxy for nationwide violence.
Gloria Steinem discusses the lasting impact of Robin Morgan's political classic on terrorism.
In 1972, this electrifying poem inspired women everywhere to take a stand in the fight for equality.
Every month, renowned authors pick a story from the magazine’s archives to read aloud and discuss—with hilarious results.