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Early Bird Books Reading Recommendations

Here at Early Bird Books, we love all things that have to do with books, reading, and literary news and movies. Browse below for some highlights from our blog!


11 Books to Inspire Recent Grads

The perfect welcome to the real world.

8 Artist Biographies That Will Change Your World View

These artists laid the foundation for their craft and led incredibly fascinating lives.

9 Sizzling Romantic Suspense Books

These books are sure to set your pulse racing.

Inspiring Nonfiction Books About Nature and Animals

Celebrate the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees.

Rachel Carson Wants You to Share Your Sense of Wonder

The legendary environmentalist emphasizes the importance of sharing nature with children. 

13 of the Best Dragons in Fantasy Fiction

Be your own Khalessi and tame these dragons.

5 Classic Films You Didn’t Know Were Based on British Novels

Americans aren’t the only ones finding inspiration from books.

Laurie Colwin: Alone in the Kitchen with an Eggplant

Laurie Colwin on one of life's greatest pleasures: dinner alone.

5 Children’s Books That Celebrate Jewish Heritage

Author Heidi Smith Hyde shares the inspiration behind her books.

Meet Vincent Price’s Best Friend: Joe the Dog

Get to know Vincent Price's softer side in his memoir of his beloved dog, The Book of Joe.

The Re-Read: The Boxcar Children

Revisiting the classic children's series by Gertrude C. Warner on its 75th anniversary.

Beyond On the Road: The Other Jack Kerouac Books

There's more to the author than the defining work of the Beat generation.

The Re-Read: Anne Sexton

Rediscover the poetry of Anne Sexton—beyond your high school English class.

Girl Squad: Fierce Females Throughout History

If girl squads were a thing in the past, these gals would put Taylor and her supermodels to shame.

The Only Family More Notorious than the Lannisters

In City of God, Cecelia Holland explores the dark and powerful world of Italy's original crime family: The Borgias.

Holiday Challenge: 31 Days of YA Books

It's time to put your passion to the test.